Get Rockin' with


Version 1.2 - Getting Better

What's New
download button for latest version of noice
place in applications folder

System Requirements

A Mac that supports Metal

Music Library

File Location

Place music folders inside ~/Music/noice/
If you already have a library elsewhere (like for clone hero), you can make an alias of that folder instead of moving files

Song Format

Noice supports Phase Shift/Clone Hero files
(I DO NOT distribute songs)

Get Some Tunes!


You can find over 30,000 custom charts for Rock Band, Phase Shift and Clone Hero here:

Custom Creators Collective Song Database

Convert Customs

For files not compatible with noice, use Onyx to convert them. Simply select Phase Shift as the format - note Onyx makes empty OGG files for missing tracks, you can delete those

Onyx github site

If you have access to Windows, I recommend C3 CON Tools as it won't create empty sound files

Download C3 CON Tools
About C3 CON Tools

Convert Oggs - optional

- Not required, but recommended -

I made a folder Workflow that uses ffmpeg to streamline conversion. To use it follow the steps below

Download and install ffmpeg from or install ffmpeg with homebrew (prefered method)

Download and expand

Place "Convert All Oggs.workflow" inside ~/Library/Services/ or open it with Automator Installer

Once installed, right click on any folder containing Oggs (or on a single Ogg file) and select "Convert All Oggs" and that's all! Original files won't be deleted

Control Setup

MIDI Input

Any MIDI Electronic Drum Kit connected to Mac will work. Roland e-kits don't need any adjusmtents - for other kits, change the midi note output to the midi notes below

Keyboard Controls

mapping for menu navigation and Pro Drums

mapping for Guitar/Bass and Regular Drums

Guitar Controllers

Noise does not have built in Guitar Controller support. Please use a game controller mapper like JoyKeyMapper and map the keys shown above